Category: DOC Thoughts
the Latest “Sightings”
Martin Marty’s latest Sightings hits close to home. My companion is a seminary professor. She is, in my determination, what was once called a “pastor scholar” an ordained minister who has spent time in local congregational settings and gone on to earn a PhD. She spent a bit of time in the local church as she worked on her PhD in Hebrew Bible and after earning her degree from Vanderbilt Divinity School she has continued to write, research, speak, and on occasion “serve as an Interim Minister” for local congregations. I think it is safe to say that her research interest are more for persons searching or in the pews than for the academy. Her call to ministry is a “teaching” call. I’ve watched as she has lived through one seminary nearly closing and reinventing itself trying to find a way to stay relevant. She could not be part of what was coming as “relevant” there. After a short stint at an undergraduate setting she is now back at a seminary teaching those preparing for ministry in a congregational setting. But, this seminary is struggling to find its way, its identity, and the best practices to teach those preparing for some “kind of ministry” in a context of growing Christian fundamentalism and the ever present “nones.” A core question, it seems to me, is, “How do you educate persons for a vocation that is relational when they are not required to actually relate to their student peers more than 3-6 hrs pers week?” I think a problem for government right now is that we are seeing the effects of hyper-capitalism and “gated education communities.” Part of my own baggage and lens through which I observe America and Christianity is that I am the oldest end of Gen X. I’ve experienced the height of our institutions at their best, early in life, and have spent most of my adolescent and adult years watching our institutions crumble rather than ask the questions and do the things that would evolve them to be stronger and relevant for 21st century life. The good old days were not always good and for some reason we’ve yet to learn the lessons of those days.
As an aside, if there is a sociologists, historian, or curious journalists reading this post here is an idea for you. When you observe the states led by Republican Governors and legislatures and note all the “social engineering” they are doing by limiting voting, legislating discrimination, limiting access to health care options for women, and removing “rights” has anyone looked into their educational experience? How many of them attended private “Christian” colleges that shaped them for the leadership they are currently providing? An example: it is not surprising what the sitting Governor of Virginia has done or is doing when you review where he received his “higher” education. The same is true with the Attorney General of VA. What about the others? Was their worldview, leadership skills, and sense of history shaped by a “christian” perspective that teaches that America was founded by Christians and not diests? Are they operating out of a “divine right” or “manifest destiny” that, when you peal away the media consultants and double speak, is similar to the perspective of the “Taliban” mentality that so much blood and money has been spent to defeat in another part of the world? There was a time when public and private education “educated” people for relationship and community with a shared basic set of facts and history. Given what we are seeing in the halls of government at all levels, at least what gets covered by the Beltway media and legacy media outlets, it seems to me that private and public education no longer works from the same basic set of facts and history. It makes me wonder who “vets” those that “vet” or accredit institutions of higher education? In an online education age that is a very important question. What qualifies as education and “higher” education in this context?
So, after all that dribble, I get to the Sightings article from April 8. Be sure to read the background link at the end.
A Favorite Theologian in the NY Times
The helicopter took Pope Benedict XVI to humble retirement as if a President or other national official had completed a term of service or had lost an election. The problem for the next Pope, and for Catholics all around the globe, is that Emeritus Pope will be just across the alley. My guess is that Emeritus Benedict XVI will have much more influence on the choice of the next Pope as well as the future of what being a Roman Catholic will mean. I am not a Catholic, but I am a practicing Christian and the image of the Roman Catholic Church reflects on all Christianity and all practicing Christians. The image of the priests, bishops, and cardinals reflects on people who serve in ordained Christian ministry beyond the Roman Catholic Church or other historic episcopacy traditions. One of my favorite theologians, Hans Küng, wrote and OP-ED in the New York Times a couple of days ago. His “A Vatican Spring?” raises interesting questions not only for what being a Roman Catholic, practicing or not, will mean in the coming decades, but also by extension what being a practicing Christian will mean as well. My denomination, the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) would do well to ask ourselves some of the questions that Küng raises in this brief writing; and yes brief as compared to a lecture I once heard or his book, On Being a Christian, this is extremely brief and straight to the point. Disciples are not suffering from a shortage of seminary trained clergy. American culture and protestantism is defined differently today than during our expansion years from 1972 to 1985. Now, my denomination is in a contraction phase where the number of congregations can afford the salary of seminary trained minister are shrinking not matter if these congregations are in a rural or urban setting. Rather than addressing that hard issue, my denomination is making it easier to get ordained. We need more bi-vocational seminary trained ministers and congregations that can embrace bi-vocational ministry. Sometimes we call this “tent making” ministry, but it is more complex that than and it is a harder issue than finding a minister that will serve a congregation for less, but do the same as was done during expansions. Küng’s OP-ED applies to us all.
Click the title to read the entire article.
“A Vatican Spring?”
by Hans Kung | New York Times Opinion | Feb 27, 2013In this dramatic situation the church needs a pope who’s not living intellectually in the Middle Ages, who doesn’t champion any kind of medieval theology, liturgy or church constitution. It needs a pope who is open to the concerns of the Reformation, to modernity. A pope who stands up for the freedom of the church in the world not just by giving sermons but by fighting with words and deeds for freedom and human rights within the church, for theologians, for women, for all Catholics who want to speak the truth openly. A pope who no longer forces the bishops to toe a reactionary party line, who puts into practice an appropriate democracy in the church, one shaped on the model of primitive Christianity. A pope who doesn’t let himself be influenced by a Vatican-based “shadow pope” like Benedict and his loyal followers.