Category: Michael D

Preaching on the Fourth of July (weekend)

I may have noted this before. My preaching style requires a lot from the listener. My mother noted after this week’s sermon that “You have a lot of content. I get to thinking, ‘What did he just say?’, but you’ve moved on to something else. I need a minute to absorb it.” Given what is considered excellent or quality preaching these days, my style is teeters on adequate. Rather than provide an answer, my style trusts that listeners will leave the sanctuary with a question or two to ponder. As I’ve honed my craft I’ve tried to use fewer words. I use a manuscript and I stick to it. I’m put time into those words. I don’t read it. I don’t perform it. I do my best to present it.

As an Associate Minister for most of my service, I’ve been assigned the holidays or Sunday after a holiday when the Sr. Minister, (lead minister is in vogue now), was taking time off or didn’t want to preach. One minister I served with always took vacation for the July 4th weekend so they didn’t have to deal with the inevitable critique that there were not enough patriotic songs or hymns in worship. Oddly, this weekend was the first time I preached during the fourth of July weekend. I filled the pulpit for a minster who is taking time off for the first time in a long time. Below is the text of my words. Most of these words were shared. A few were not. I remember a seasoned minister telling me when I joined Regional staff that when you preach, “Don’t assume you have to correct local people because you are on Regional staff. Preach for us. Be humble.” Every time I fill the pulpit I think of Rick and that advice.

The scripture text for the day was Galatians 6. It would help if you read that first. This sermon title is, “A New Creation is Everything!”

Disciples in Perry, may God’s shalom be with us all.

Have you ever wondered how a minister prepares for the preaching moment? Ministers have their own way of preparing for the sermon that is honed over years of service. In the beginning one might borrow a process as an example. I’ve known ministers ten or more years into ministry that change their process, and sometimes their entire preaching style, for reasons that are not connected to feedback from the pastoral relations committee or comments after worship in the greeting line.

Even those that appear to speak extemporaneously have done some study of the text, thought about the moment in which we are living, and spent time in prayer. Maybe you already know about Joshua’s process, but if not, ask him about his process for creating the preaching moment each week. I call it the preaching moment because just like church camp where everything is part of the curriculum no matter the written small group material, in worship everything, the prayers, hymns, and rituals are part of the sermon.

My process includes study from traditional and non-traditional sources of commentaries, background material, and any textual notes where ancient sources may use different words or add words where others don’t.

I read the text and I read on either side of it, the chapter before and after, listening for context clues that might help discover applicable ideas for our historical context. I think about what is happening around the world, in my community, and in the community where I am preaching that Sunday.

I spend time in silence with the text. Some might call it prayer.
I think about what I would say to children about this text.

I read sermons to see what others have thought was important, odd, enlightening, comforting, or challenging about a text.

I remember that I’m a sibling in faith. I’m that family member that moved away and don’t live with this community day in and day out. You don’t see me that often. I don’t know everything that is happening here or in peoples’ lives in a congregation. So, I choose my words carefully.

I remember that I’m a guest preacher so some may join their minister in taking a Sunday off.

My preaching professor, Rev. Dr. Joey Jeter, would tell students, “Do your best to say a good word for Jesus. Some sermons are going to be harder than others to do that.” Then, I remember that every text is not explicit “good news” nor does it have anything to do with Jesus of Nazareth.

My process distills an idea, a direction from which I’ll create the title thought for the preaching moment. With that and my study notes, I write some words. Here are the title thoughts that I didn’t choose for today:

  • Called out by Paul: then and now
  • Test your own work and don’t be deceived
  • Everything old is new again
  • Becoming a new creation over and over again
  • Paul’s Pointed Questions for the Church
  • How can you be this easily deceived?

I settled on, “a new creation is everything.”

I bear the greetings, prayers, and gratitude of your siblings in faith all around the Region. Thank you for being a voice of gospel from this corner of Perry. Thank you for gifting your minister time away. Thank you for gifting the Region Sara’s time as a camp counselor and camp director. If you are visiting today, in person or in the digital sanctuary, or if you are returning from some time away from worship or religion, come back next week and hear Rev. Joshua preach the good news of God. Don’t just consume worship or religion, get involved in this congregation’s witness of the good news of God and remember:

  • that the Lord’s mercies never cease;
  • that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning;
  • and the Lord’s faithfulness extends beyond our ability to see in a mirror dimly, or recognize the image of God in others as well as in our own face.

Buckle up church, here we go.

A new creation is everything.
When Jesus is too much parable, too radical, or too much son of God, better call Paul.

Some background about Galatians. In the book, Evolution of the Word,(1) Dr. Marcus Borg creates a chronological order of the New Testament. The bible we have begins the New Testament with the gospels. They are three different narratives of the life and times of Jesus of Nazareth, and John, which is a blend of theological handbook for advanced readers and a narrative about Jesus. The gospels were written long after Paul and others began telling their stories about Jesus throughout the Roman empire in Gentile and Jewish communities. In movie terms, the gospels are a prequel, the backstory about Jesus of Nazareth, and the later Pauline writings, those attributed to Paul’s name and style, but are not genuine Paul, those could be thought of as fan fiction. Maybe these are disciples of Paul continuing his work and words after his death.

In Borg’s chronology, 1 Thessalonians opens the New Testament and Galatians follows. The other genuine letters of Paul are: 1 Corinthians, Philemon, Philippians, 2 Corinthians, and Romans. All of these are written between 50 and 60 CE. The first gospel, Mark, doesn’t appear until the 70’s.(2)

The Christ-communities(3) that Paul helped organize are primarily in urban centers in the Roman empire and primarily Gentile,that’s all of us, communities. A genuine letter from Paul typically addresses a conflict that he has heard about through letter or word of mouth. It has a structure: opening greeting, admonishing and correcting what ails your community, words of encouragement, and a parting blessing.

It’s not preaching. It is personal. The letters are answers from a mentor who has received a question from people he knows, or at least thought he knew, as they navigate life as a follower of Christ Jesus. Paul’s letters were not meant to end up as scared text for public consumption, but there are some ideas, theology, and questions for all Christ-communities.

As Paul wraps up his pointed letter to the Galatians, he offers Christians several questions for reflection about congregational life and individual freedom. The questions are relevant today. And, they are important for the covenantal relationships of the church in our denomination: congregations, Regions, and the General units of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

Right there, near the end of the letter, Paul gives Christ-communities ways to recalibrate our compass for finding our way back to being Christ-like.

How do we bear one another’s burdens?

How often do we test our own work, our theology, politics, financial decisions or practice of Christianity, how often do we test our own work before testing that of others? Before pronouncing others wrong and ourselves, right.

How well do we balance equality, “neither Jew nor Greek,” and the democratic hierarchy of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness in our consumer driven society that recognizes freedom of religion and freedom from religion?

Is there anything about our worship, practice of Christianity, discipleship, or theology that mocks God?

How do Christians respond when weariness comes.

Any one of these questions is a sermon in waiting.
Any one of these can help us realize that a new creation is everything.
If you’ve been around Christianity or church for a while you may have even heard a sermon or participated in a sermon on one of these questions.

It is a centuries old argument within Christianity that Paul gives a voice in Galatians: Is it faith or works that brings about salvation? Which is most important or is it some combination of the two? After argument and counter argument, Paul drills down to his thesis and confronts the community.

“For neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is anything; but a new creation is everything!” (v.15).

In our context it could sound like this:
Neither independent, republican, democrat, is anything; but a new creation is everything!

And to get closer to Paul’s intent, which will be shocking to our ears, it would sound like this:
Neither American nor non-American is anything; but a new creation is everything!

Christians talk about becoming a new creation in the waters of baptism. We die and rise with Christ. Our old selves end and our new selves begin. Our brand of Christian witness thinks of baptism as an outward sign of an inward decision that a person wants to be a follower of Jesus. I wonder if Paul is saying a new creation is everything because it is something you do rather than something you are. I think Paul would say that over time you can recognize a new creation by the love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control a person embodies beyond their safe community and beyond themselves for the good of all. At the end of chapter five he calls them the fruits of the spirit.

That may be too difficult, too confessional, or too subjective. So, we typically focus on the phrase, “you reap what you sow.” But, it is rarely used to instruct. Paul uses it here with a tone of warning, and often the phrase is hurled at someone as a way of saying, “I told you so.” It is used in subtle and overt ways to blame the victim, wrongly or rightly, for the way their life has turned out or for choices that had negative outcomes. Here are two thoughts to consider.

Search your own experience and observations of the world. Is this phrase a universal truth?
Evidence of injustice abounds in the world.

Second, if this phrase holds a universal truth, it is about intent rather than results or consequences for “good or bad” actions. This is where one’s pattern of behavior tells a story more clearly than what they espouse, idea of big government they prefer, the name of the god they worship, team they root for, or person they love. Maybe this is where the phrase, “you reap what you sow” has an instructive value. I often tell children and youth that the hardest thing about being a follower of Jesus is doing what is right just because it is right. Doing what is right is often driven by fear, guilt, or profit motive rather than a response to being in community. It is hard for secular and religious communities alike. It was in Jesus’ time. In Paul’s time and in our time.

A new creation is everything. It reflects and judges itself daily on the two lists:
the fruits of the spirit and these questions in today’s text. It is Paul’s way of saying that followers of Jesus do the things that Jesus did. Remember, that takes risk. Paul has the physical and mental scars to prove it. My guess is that some in this room may have scars as well.

It reminds me of a tale from The Magic Monastery.

I had just one desire—to give myself completely to God. So I headed for the monastery. An old monk asked me, “What is it you want?”
I said, “I just want to give my self to God.”
I expected him to be gentle, fatherly, but he shouted at me, “NOW!” I was stunned. He shouted again, “NOW!” Then he reached for a club and came after me. I turned and ran. He kept coming after me, brandishing his club and shouting, “NOW, NOW.”
That was years ago. He still follows me, wherever I go. Always that stick.
Always that “NOW.”(4)

A new creation is everything!

When weariness comes, and it will, weariness takes many forms.
It can be physical.
It can be emotional.
It can be spiritual.
It can isolate and radicalize.

Weariness can create dark night of the soul moments for individuals and for communities. When weariness comes, and it will, it’s vital that we not accept the easy answer, the temptation, or the deception. Instead, remember the first time God was real in your life. Soak up presence and that grace in that memory. And, remember to love your neighbor as yourself.

A new creation is everything. When I think about that I remember the lyrics to an old, old camp song we sang in the 1970’s and 1980’s: “We Are a Rainbow.”

There are many colors in a rainbow
all bound together as one.
They are a promise of tomorrow,
a hope for all days to come.
We are all children of that promise,
made for the whole world around.
Wherever love brings us together,
a rainbow can be found.

We are a rainbow,
together we are a sign,
We are a rainbow
to live for human kind.
We are a rainbow,
it’s time for us to shine.
We are a rainbow.

Disciples, siblings in faith in Perry, there is ministry to do and gospel to be that only you can do and only you can be in this corner of Oklahoma. May the grace and faith of Jesus, whom we call Christ, be with your spirit. A new creation is everything! You are a new creation. Go be it.


1. Borg, Marcus, Evolution of the Word: The New Testament in the Order the Books Were Written. Harper One (New York) 2012.

2. Ibid, p 31-32.

3. Marcus Borg’s description for what we call “churches” in Paul’s time. From, Evolution of the Word.

4. Theophane the Monk, Tales of a Magic Monastery. Crossroads (New York) 1994, p. 50.

5. Holmes, Brent. Songs, “We Are A Rainbow.” Sons and Creations Inc. (San Anselmo) 1972, p 166.

What does good news sound like?

An edited version of my words for Pentecost Sunday at S. Grand Lake Christian Church in Langley, OK. My thanks to their ministers, Rev. Gina and Rev. Chuck, as well as the elders for the trust of the pulpit. We pondered a portion of the Pentecost story, Acts 2:1-21.

We gather for worship today and remember that the spirit of God descends on all humanity and disciples no matter their station in life.

Pentecost, a day when we ask the spirit of the living God to fall afresh on:

  • the 134 congregations that are the Christian Church In Oklahoma;
  • fall afresh on the 31 Regions that are the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada;
  • fall afresh on our cousins in faith who by profession or practice, wrestle with God and the way of Jesus;
  • fall afresh on our neighbors practicing another faith, or no faith at all, who wrestle with the wisdom of the ages and act for the common good of the whole human family.

I bare the greetings, prayers, and gratitude of your siblings in faith all around the Region.  Thank you for being a voice of gospel from this corner of Langley.  Thank you for gifting your ministers time away.  If you are visiting today, in person or in the digital sanctuary, or if you are returning from some time away from worship or religion, come back next week and hear Rev. Gina preach good news. Don’t just consume worship or religion, get involved in this congregation’s witness of the good news of God:

that the Lord’s mercies never cease; 
that the Lord’s mercies are new every morning;
and the Lord’s faithfulness extends beyond our ability to see in a mirror dimly, or recognize the image of God in others as well as in our own face.

As you are willing and your spirit able, please join me in prayer:
Open our ears and our hearts, O God, that our meditations, words, and living are a reflection of our faith in You, who creates, who redeems, and who sustains creation and our lives.  Amen

Buckle up church, here we go.

What can happen when people hear good news in their own language?

In Christian language we say that when people hear good news “ministry breaks out.”  Centuries of history details how that ministry can be live giving; or it can be death dealing. Those who follow the way of Jesus are compelled to evaluate and reflect on what has happened, in the name of Jesus and in the name of God, so as individuals and as a community we can apply what we’ve learned for all of creation.  I think that is why the parables that Jesus told are confounding, confronting, and everlasting. What can happen when people hear good news in their own language? The world is turned upside down, sometimes.  The outcast, the prisoner, the orphan, and the poor experience hospitality, wholeness, personhood in society. 

What does good news sound like?
If I bumped into Jesus today I think he would say that good news has more to do with,  “love God and love your neighbor as yourself”( Matt. 22:37-40), rather than John 3:16, “For God so loved the world . . .”  It’s pentecost.  Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us.

The 21st century is a multi-lingual culture in written, digital and spoken word.  The idea of hearing about God in our native language is not hard to imagine.  We hear a lot of languages in our time.  Spin through the TV channels and depending on your cable package and time of day you can hear and see our multi-lingual world.  The AM/FM and satellite airwaves are the same. Even the secular channels are proclaiming a gospel of some kind though it is often something purchased.  Politicians and political parties too, but I don’t need to talk about that.

Have you ever traveled to a place where you did not know or speak the language?  I have.  Luckily, there have been persons who have translated for me so I could understand a speaker, the instructions given me, or a menu.  Many years ago I went to Puerto Rico with a group of youth from Kentucky Disciples congregations.  We were there for a week of summer camp with Puerto Rican disciples.  Puerto Rico is a Spanish speaking culture, and only one of us could understand or speak the language.  The youth and adults in our group blended into the small groups and camp culture.  Some of the Puerto Rican campers and adults could understand and speak English.  They helped us learn enough of the language to navigate with week.  Asking where the bathroom is was a big accomplishment.  Contextual clues helped associate places with words.  All the total group gatherings were at big pavilion.  We sang there, heard the day’s lesson, danced, and worshipped.  Capilla (chapel).   One of the lessons that week was the hospitality required to translate good news.  When asked to speak there was always someone who translated our words.  I chose my words more carefully as my new friend translated my story about my baptism.  I had never heard it so eloquently told.

It was the experience of thinking about words and language, listening closely, asking for help and receiving help graciously that was as beautiful as the mountain side setting where the spirit of God echoed each night in the call of the Co-kee (coqui’) frog.  At first that echo was disturbing.  By the end of the week it was a lullaby, and then it just blended into our living.  We were a kind of familia (family).

You don’t have to leave the country to experience this “out of place-ness.”  Several years ago we took our niece, Karlee, to New York City to celebrate her graduation from high school. We checked in with the maitre d who asked if we were there for a special occasion. I pointed at Karlee and said, “Yes, it’s our niece’s high school graduation dinner.” At the end of the meal they brought a giant piece of New York cheesecake to the table. On the plate it said, “Congratulations Denise.”

Though English is the language of commerce, in most urban areas there are a multitude of languages spoken; and even in some rural areas as well.  I learned it one day in Mi-am-ma when I asked a question about life in “Miami.” “You aren’t from around here are you?”  Apparently, there was a little too much of my Texas dialect that day.  I don’t think I have an accent, but I know that sometimes it sneaks out.   But, there is more to “being from” somewhere than just the language.  There are common stories, some historical myth and others historical fact, that bind people.  I was reminded of this at the Greenwood Rising Museum in Tulsa.  Lot’s of Oklahomans who grew up here didn’t know that significant, historically factual story which qualifies them for “not from around here” status.  How will knowing that story change our choices?

In our context I think Pentecost is a day when we as individuals and as a community of faith, need to wonder if there is a common language to the sound of good news. We need to ask ourselves two questions:  

  1. What does good news sound like?  
  2. How am I, or are we, translators of good news?

What does good news sound like . . . in places where weapons fire, explosions, land mines, barrels bombs or suicide bombers are part of daily life?  It might sound like dialogue.  Conversation and compromise that is void of shouts or finger pointing or swearing revenge.  I might sound like nationalism without Imperialism or Empire building.  It sounds like children laughing instead of crying and that language doesn’t include the word war.

What does good news sound like . . . in places where the beauty of the earth has become lava flows, mud slides, frozen land, flooded land, tornado damaged, hurricane battered, or famine filled?

It sounds like opening boxes filled with blankets and clean up kits. 
Rustling bags of flour or wheat and clanging bottles of drinking water. 
It sounds like someone tearing a check from a checkbook or the clink of change dropped into a collection plate or kettle, or the click of a button on a smartphone. 
It sounds like banging hammers and shoveled dirt.  It is the beep beep of a truck backing up, the sizzle of electricity pulsing through lines, and the flip of a switch that powered heat and lights or cool air.  It sounds like, “Are you ok?” “I’m here to help.  What can I do?”

What does good news sound like . . .  
You might hear good news in the bass thump of hip hop, in the two step tones of country, in a driving guitar riff of rock and roll, classical music, or a hymn.   Bob Marley calls them, “redemption songs.”

You might catch a glimpse of good news on film. 
“Bruce Almighty” encourages: “be the miracle.” 
The Matrix trilogy challenges: “free your mind.”  
“It’s a Wonderful Life” reframes what it means “to be the richest person in town.”
“Blazing Saddles” is an invitation to change as we laugh and are accosted by our stereotypes that haven’t been left behind in 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2014, or even today.

What does good news sound like . . .
A doctor treating illness.
A nurse changing an IV.
Housekeeping staff cleaning.
Medical research that create vaccines and treatments that cure disease.
A therapist pushing a patient to take another step, squeeze one more time, teaching someone to speak or write, how to use a hearing device, or manage life without sight.
It’s a hospice nurse carefully bathing a client.
Insurance that covers medical costs and still allows you to live well.
It is food brought by neighbors when grief is overwhelming.

Good news might sound like . . .
Affordable housing, 
quality education,
a living wage, or good public transportation.  
It might sound like a door closing at the homeless shelter, food pantry, or the Salvation Army for the last time because poverty is no longer an issue here.
It might sound like voting districts that represent the people rather than the politicians wanting to keep power.

Good news might sound like . . .
A fellowship dinner.
Regulating my consumption so everyone can have a little bit more.
It might sound like regulating capitalism, regulating weapons, and regulating carbon so there is more laughter, fewer human made tears, “everyone had recourse to the law, and no one kills the children anymore.”(1)

In his book, The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus: What’s So Good About the Good News?, Rev. Dr. Peter Gomes reminds readers that, “Good news to some will almost inevitably be bad news to others.  The gospel’s arena is the future, the time that is not yet and is to be, and thus everything short of that time is suspect, mortal, and inadequate.”(2)

And now, some hard words. Christianity has used “the good news,” that “Jesus died for you,” to build empires and to keep the oppressed and outcast in their place.  Proclaiming that life will be better on the other side, if you confess Jesus as Christ, it helped ease present day fears and suffering, but it is an effective way of not dealing with societies issues and injustice.   “In heaven the streets are paved with gold so don’t worry about the mud you are trudging in now.” Christianity has aided and has been used by the powerful, the ideological, and the greedy to ensure minority rule.

If I bumped into Jesus today I think he would say that good news has more to do with, 
“love God and love your neighbor as yourself” Matt. 22: 37-40, rather than John 3:16,
“For God so loved the world that . . .”

Those who stood and spoke that first Pentecost probably didn’t wake up thinking they would be translators.  They were waiting on Jesus, going about their lives and practicing those things that Jesus taught.  Sometimes we hear people speak of seeing the world through the eyes of a child.  Those first disciples were seeing God in the world through the eyes of Jesus.  The story in Acts dramatizes what can happen when human beings get “fired up”.  In Christian language you might have heard it called, “on fire for Jesus.”

The problem for Christians is this: in the centuries that have followed Jesus of Nazareth and Pentecost day, Christians have more often gotten “fired up” over the meaning of John 3:16, instead of Matthew 22:37-40.  I wonder, is it because it is easer for human beings to believe in a miracle, rather than be a miracle?

Wha’t so good about the good news?  In his book, Dr. Gomes reminds readers that:

“The good news that Jesus came to proclaim always calls us beyond the conventional wisdom and into dangerous, uncharted waters.  The good news is not “back there somewhere,” but out front awaiting us, and there are godly examples of taking that good news as the charter against which we liberate ourselves from our fears.  As we consider how we ought to manage in a less-than-friendly world, when we wonder on what we may rely, perhaps the answer is found in the exercise of compassion.  We should take courage from these words: ‘The strength that God gives is available for those who care for others.’”

Peter Gomes, The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus:  What’s So Good About the Good News? Harper One (New York) 2007, p. 107-8.

Even in ordinary time and partisan political time, every day can be a Pentecost day. 
Have you heard the good news of God?
What language do you use to translate it?
How are you translating the good news of God with your living?

It’s pentecost.  Spirit of the living God, fall afresh on us all.

1. Pink Floyd, The Final Cut. “The Gunners Dream.” Harvest Records, 1983.
2. Peter Gomes, The Scandalous Gospel of Jesus:  What’s So Good About the Good News? Harper One (New York) 2007, p 31.

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