As Veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan continue to return to civilian life society will need to listen when Veterans tell whatever they can about their experiences. The newest term, “moral injury” is a good philosophical and theologically description of the pain that many feel about the things they saw and did, but disillusionment embodies a feeling to which many can relate. Disillusionment best describes what I trust our Nation is feeling as we learn more about the torture of human beings in the name of National Security, but depending on what media outlet you follow my trust may be misplaced. Michael Yandell describes his disillusionment through the lens of his experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan over multiple deployments. It is an eloquent expression to read and hear. Thank you Christian Century for providing him the space and grace to be heard.
The War Within
by Michael Yandell | The Christian Century | Jan 2, 2015For me, moral injury describes my disillusionment, the erosion of my sense of place in the world. The spiritual and emotional foundations of the world disappeared and made it impossible for me to sleep the sleep of the just. Even though I was part of a war that was much bigger than me, I still feel personally responsible for its consequences. I have a feeling of intense betrayal, and the betrayer and betrayed are the same person: my very self.
Michael, I agree that we should listen to one another. The problem with our common American outlook these days is that we tend to only want to listen to voices that confirm our own ideas. Is the one to whom you offer space here the only voice on such matters? His ideas seem to sound a whole like, well, yours. Couldn’t you yourself have said it just as well?
Worthy of note, a correction: Yandell does not claim “multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan” but only one Iraq deployment.
Craig “multiple deployments” Johnson