Opinion from Baptist News Global

To borrow a movie quote, “Holmes, you must widen your gaze.” (Sherlock Holmes, © 2009 Warner Bros. Ent. All) “Widen your gaze” is good advice for our culture right now so that we might see and experience one another as something other than a political, sexual, or religious identifier.  For me, that means reviewing Red Letter Christians, Patheos, and other websites of those that label themselves “evangelical” who continue to redefine what “evangelical” means in the 21st century.  That also means checking out the Baptist News Global at least once a week.

I am not evangelical, but like being liberal (progressive for those fearful of that other word), I don’t think either need be a derogative term.  There is a richness in both adjectives that has been lost as we have figuratively and literally retreated to our gated communities in the online matrix and in the breathing matrix.  When you die in the matrix you do die in real life.  I found this article thanks to other liberals that I follow who pointed the way.  Widen your gaze.  A paragraph and a link.

We all are Omar Mateen
Miguel De La Torre | Baptist News Global | June 14, 2016

Reading our newspapers, watching our politicians and listening to our ministers we find evidence that proves we are more comfortable with a culture of hatred, a culture rooted in the survival of the fittest. Let those of us who claim to be disciples of agape stop talking about our current predicament, and instead commit to praxis that can bring us closer to a different reality.

Click here to read the entire article.