Fox News in the Hen House

Here is a well written article noting just one, of what is many, examples of how Fox News is not a news organization.  They are a political advocacy media group for the Grand Ole’ Party designed to slant events of the day against the Democratic Party or any group or person that does not share their political and Christian-centric view of American history, world history, or the present.  Oh, and they extract money from people the way Christian televangelists do on CBN and TBN. That is strong rhetoric because Fox news is above being shamed into reporting in a balanced tone.  They report. You decide. How can you decide without impartial reporting that does not play to your worst fear or lesser angel?

Fox News Attacks Black Lives Matter As ‘Lawless’ After Cheering Clive Bundy’s Lawless Militia
HuffingtonPost | Eric Boehlert, Senior Fellow, Media Matters for America

Fox News’ hate rhetoric isn’t just dangerous, it also reeks of hypocrisy when you recall that back in 2014, the same Fox News flaunted its disdain for law enforcement in order to champion Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. For two decades, Bundy refused to pay federal grazing fees on the public land his cattle used. According to Fox and the conservative media then, there was no more important battle than Bundy’s symbolic showdown with the federal government.  Click here to read more.