Lost Paragraph from Sunday’s Sermon

Here is a lost paragraph from my sermon on Sunday.  The text for the day was Micah 6:1-8.  Parts of this paragraph made it into the final text, but not in the structure below.  The sermon was titled, “The Minimum”.

I think believers ask about the minimum because many are looking for a guarantee or at least an explanation of the expectations.  We know what that sounds like: “How long does the paper have to be?  Do I need to vacuum under my bed or just around it?  How much can I claim of this business expense on my taxes?  How many meetings does this committee have a year?  How much diversity is enough in our schools to qualify for federal funding?”  That has everything to do with our motivation, and motivation is where I think the Church, the universal Church, its ministers, theologians, councils, creeds, and critics have done a disservice for the followers of Jesus because we have placed the emphasis of faith on a Christological guarantee for living as a believer, rather than focusing on the living Jesus of Nazareth who made justice happen, loved through kindness, and walked humbly with his God.  I think that’s the minimum.