Wednesday Prayer
On Wednesday mornings I send devotions to two different groups of people. These devotions share a format with one exception: Centering, Ponder, Remember or Respond. I have some sources that I visit and borrow from, with proper citation, to piece together the devotions. It has become a discipline for me.
You can read the Koinonia devotion here.
You can read the CYYA devotion here.
Sometimes, I write words for the devotion. This morning I offered this prayer.
O Lord who creates, we seek imagination to understand how to do what is necessary to be in community. Help us evaluate what is an acceptable level of risk, and if that risk is necessary to be good news in our communities and our congregations.
We mourn with those who mourn family and friends.
Give us the will to be decent, without reciprocity, in a time of division and derision.
Let the decisions we make, the work of our hands, and the way we follow Jesus voice our faith in you and your vision of community, O God, who creates, redeems, and sustains all creation and our lives. Amen.