On Leadership

The business section of The Washington Post ran an interesting “panel” discussion of the evolution of leadership over at Facebook.  Having read all the panelists it seems to me there is some wisdom to apply to our evolution of leadership within our denomination, specifically ministerial leadership, in every manifestation: congregation, region, and general.  Click the title to visit the “On Leadership” main page.

Facebook’s Leadership: Time for an Update?

By Amy Fraher: For example, a good leader needs to not only provide a clear vision but also reevaluate it, considering whether it remains valid or needs modification along the way. To accomplish this, the leader needs to build a team that will provide the direct, honest feedback required; even when news is unpopular. Facebook could follow other startups like Google and Apple, hiring senior industry veterans to round out their workforce. Yet, I am not convinced that strategy would immediately solve Facebook’s problems. The organizational culture must evolve as well.

By Michael Useem: Here’s the leadership wisdom for a creative young founder: If you believe that you can master the next levels of leadership demands and complexity, embrace them, as both Meade and Smith have proven can be done. But if you are ambivalent about your capacity – or taste – for ever rising responsibilities, stay engaged but get out of corner office.