Commentary: Judge Sotomayor is not a racist

Michael D Note: This is a good read on the current nominee for the Supreme Court.  I am a white male who has benefited from being a white male in our culture.  This commentary from CNN by Sherrilyn A. Ifill is a good rebuttal to those who would claim that Judge Sotomayor is a reverse racists.

When Don Imus denigrated in clearly racist terms the championship women’s basketball team from Rutgers University; when actor Michael Richards screamed at black guests in a comedy club, calling them the “n-word” and invoking the threat of lynching; when Trent Lott said that things would have been better if a southern segregationist had been elected president a half-century earlier, responsible white people from across the ideological spectrum stepped forward to explain that these individuals were not racist.

It is an insult of unimaginable proportion to unleash this charge on her, based on one sentence from her Berkeley, California, speech. It is not just irresponsible to make this charge against a sitting federal appeals court judge based on this flimsy record; it is — and here I’ll break the taboo — racist to do so.

Click here to read the entire commentary.