Jingle Bell
The Oklahoma Regional Church staff held our Christmas party on Friday. It was a great dinner and conversation around the table. Following dinner we returned to Tom & Kay Jewell’s home (the Regional pastor) for dessert, games, and a Dirty Santa gift exchange that followed the story below. Apparently, this story is shared each year as party goers move the Dirty Santa gifts around the room. Enjoy!
Once there was a store that sold lots of jingle bells—and only jingle bells. As the customers came in, and picked the jingle bells up, the bells would jingle their best, hoping that they would be taken to a nice warm loving home. The littlest jingle bell had many problems. Customers would pick it up, and it would ring for them with all it’s might. “Jingle Jingle,” it would say. Then the customers would set it back down, and say, “this little jingle bell won’t do,” and they would walk on, and pick up other jingle bells. As the season went on, there became fewer and fewer bells. At last, Christmas Eve finally came. All of the bells had been taken except the littlest jingle bell on the shelf towards the back. As the store keeper was about to close down for christmas, a man with black snow covered boots walked in, and said to the store keeper, “I have been in my sleigh. One of the jingle bells has broken off, and I need a replacement before I can leave, so the reindeer can know where I tell them to go. The little jingle bell raised its head high as it looked toward the man. It was Santa Claus! The bell became very excited. The store keeper said, “Well, I have one last jingle bell, and I can show it to you if you want, but I don’t think that it’ll be big enough for your sleigh.” The store keeper led Santa to the back of the store, picked up the little bell, and gave it to him. He held it up in his hand, and gave it a little jingle, and the bell jingled with all it’s might. Then Santa said, “you’re right. It is too small.”