Blogging Christianity
I noted on the first edition of Davison’s Doodle that I have kept some form of a journal since I was in 4th grade. The computer offered a way to sharpen my typing skills (opps — keyboarding), while my handwriting has become less legible through the years. I opened a blog a couple of years ago as a way to keep conversation going in DOC circles as well as broaden conversation about issues. I’m not sure my blog does that. I always encourage Disciple clergy to have a place other than the newsletter to give their members a glimpse into their thinking or work on the Sunday sermon. I think that is just good practice, and helps develop the relationship needed to discuss the hard issues inside the Church and in our culture.
I received a tweet this morning from Rebecca Woods noting a list of the top 100 church blogs. It was interesting to review. Here is a link to the post on Church Relevance.