Friday Words
You can’t have everything. Where would you put it?”
This Steven Wright quote has stuck with me this week as Lisa and I move form a condo to a house. This is the third move in two years (long story). As I have packed and unpacked there have been aha moments and with family helping a story or two shared about a photo or book. As much as I do not want to be, I admit it, I am a consumer. I think one of the best gifts that can be offered children and youth right now is an alternative world view about consumption and stuff. Everyone needs some stuff, but many, many of us have more stuff than we need. George Carlin has a great perspective on your stuff that you can probably find online somewhere.
As you prepare for the July 4th celebration I encourage you to consider not talking about freedom or the flag on the sacred steps of your worship space. Most of the hymns that are sung in worship on this Sunday can be characterized with the phrase, “God bless America and nobody (no where) else.” I do not think this helps a first or even fourth impression of America values. So, a suggestion, if you are going to talk with the children about the July 4th holiday then return to the “melting pot’ notion of what America is all about: one nation with liberty and justice for all. How does following Jesus teach the children (all of us) about justice and liberty? This would be a conversation worthy of the sacred steps. Good luck and thanks for serving the children and youth in your midst.