Ramadan and the Riots: A Spiritual Agitation

This year, I’m reading some blogs that are following Ramadan.  It is helpful for me as I consider my own path of faith and the spiritual agitation it will take for change to come in my own life and practice of Christianity.

Ramadan and the Riots: A Spiritual Agitation | Executive Director, Inner-City Muslim Action Network (IMAN)

from Huffingpost.com | August 17, 2011

The solutions aren’t easy and certainly won’t be arrived at overnight, but the spiritual agitation needed to consider the larger problem truly our own is perhaps one of the most important steps in ensuring that our neighborhoods don’t end up in flames. For me, the daily fast, reflections on its deeper spiritual-social justice meanings and the group of unemployed and relatively hopeless young men hanging out at the end of my block will be the reasons this Ramadan to take the lessons of the London riots, as partly prompted by ongoing social inequities, seriously.