A Catholic Get’s It Right about His church

So, yesterday on “Meet the Press” there was an interesting discussion about the current fake blow up about religious discrimination, contraception, and the Catholic church.  This is the murky grey area when religion decides to go into business and expects to NOT have to play by the common rules.  It is one reason why I think “Churches” or “Religious Organizations” should have to pay taxes because that would make the tax code clearer, fair, and our nation a little more transparent  for all of us.  The Congressman in this round table discussion has it right about “his church” and business that is worth noting for anyone concerned about religious discrimination and business.   I  have some first hand experience with this as my companion’s employer, who thankfully provides medical insurance benefits, changed to a plan that is primarily welcomed at the Catholic hospital system in our town.  One of her co-workers, married though that should not matter, found out that birth control pills are not covered in the insurance policy like other medications are covered.  No contraception is covered.  The argument can be made that when “councils of men” were setting the Catholic church doctrine centuries ago that being able to out number the other religions of the world that one might have to fight for domination some where in the future, was probably the persuasive argument for the current Catholic dogma as any theological one made.  Sometimes it seems like some Christian zealots on the right are operating out of a similar conviction.

Romney, and Santorum both would support allowing states to outlaw contraception as if a larger population would drive down labor and drive down production costs.  Are they arguing for becoming China, Indonesia, India where “pro-growth” means allowing corporations to do in America what they are allowed to do in these countries?  What of human rights?  Would they support a state deciding the non-whites are 3/5ths of a human?  Is that their vision for America?  When I hear “pro-growth” I hear anti-worker and remember the coal wars and the robber barons of history.  I recall the day of Lords and Serfs which is what I hear all the white male candidates, with the exception of Rep. Paul, advocating.  Rep. Paul wants “liberty” but he cannot define what that means in community.  It’s easy to shout liberty, but harder to govern liberty for all.

Watch this episode of the “round table” from “Meet the Press.”