Wednesday Devotion
Each week the Oklahoma Regional Church staff gather for a brief devotion. One of us is responsible for the experience. Today, I led the devotion with the words below.
Center your being in whatever poster suites you in silence or with music.
Words to Ponder
As we gather let us claim
some stillness,
some silence.
A space and time to wonder…
The curious thing about wonder is that it sets human beings
apart from all other life forms.
Wonder gives us not only the capacity
to enjoy and respect nature, but also
the sense that we are part of a wider world.
Wonder excites us to look beyond immediate survival needs
to broader and far reaching contexts.(1)
Centering in the Text
Mark’s 1st century story may have offered us some indicators – even resources –
for our 21st century struggle to be disciples, to be the church, in our time.
But in reality we will have to work it out for ourselves, together.
That’s the challenge and the blessing of discipleship.(2)
Read Aloud Mark 8: 27-38
Two Reflections on the Scripture
Mark’s Jesus insists that to be authentically human is to be willing to suffer, to be rejected, even to die, in order to take the side of the oppressed and abused. There is no glorious rescue from beyond. There is only the human work of restoring to the human family those who have been dehumanized for the profit of the rulers, the religious, and the bureaucratic task-masters. Mark’s Jesus insists that the only way to truly live, to be immortal, is to give oneself completely over to that cause. Paradoxically, fitting in, going along to get along, failing to stand up to the powers of oppression inevitably lead to an inauthentic unsustainable humanity. For Mark’s Jesus, authenticity is life, in-authenticity is death.(4)
So if Jesus does anything for us (and I do believe he does) he doesn’t take on the burden of his cross to save us from ours. He does just the opposite. He takes on the burden of his cross so we can take on ours. He makes the hard life of faithfulness possible and less lonely. He blazes the trail for us to follow. He creates a truly human life possible, lived under the mercy of God, blood, tears, death, and all.(5)
Many to Remember in Prayer or Meditation
A time to speak or write names to hold in prayer or meditation this day.
Departing in Prayer
Those who want to save their lives have good health insurance,
pay their bills on time,
exercise and eat right…
Those who want to save their lives
will lose them.
Those who lose their lives
in pursuit of God
who abandon the world’s values,
who live generously and faithfully,
who listen to a voice beyond…
Those who lose their lives
in pursuit of God
will find life.
May we learn the value of loss.
May we know the value of life.
Be well and centered this day and the next.
2. Rex A E Hunt, “Discipleship: Lent 2B”, Mar 4, 2012
3. Image from Vanderbilt Online Library, “Get Behind Me Satan”, Tissot, James Jacques Joseph, 1836-1902.
4. Casper Green, “Not a Super Hero, But an Authentic Human,” Scarlet Letter Bible – Scripture Without the Blinders, Mar 4, 2012.
5. Michael Coffey, “Oops! Wrong Savior,” Feb. 27, 2012.
6. Katherine Hawker, “Lent 2B: Based upon Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35”, Liturgy Outside the Box, 2009.