A Measure of Elf Awareness

Here are a few paragraphs from the blog of a friend and colleague in ministry irreverin.  Interesting thoughts.

A Measure of Elf Awareness
Dec 5, 2012

I’ll just admit it. The Elf on the Shelf creeps me out. I mean, something that watches every move I make, reports back to Santa, and can run around my house at night? No, thank you.

Thing is, my kids love it. So, like many of you, I take the little bugger down from one clever locale each night, and go about finding yet another creative and whimsical place for our elf to hide out for the next morning. Last night, as a matter of fact, I dropped a cast-iron wall sconce on my toe, trying to get the #*^& elf into a creative and whimsical position. It hurt like you-know-what, and woke up one of the kids to boot.

In this season of preparation and much doing, let’s pause and remember that 1) whatwe do is not nearly as important as for whom we do it. And 2) we don’t have to do so much! We can all find things to eliminate from the calendar and the shopping list, so that we can move through the season with a slow joy and a sense of meaning.  Click here to read more.